Sunday, February 26, 2012

Arizona Governor Jan Brewer Denies Crush on President Obama

Arizona Governor Jan Brewer says that rumors about her actually having a mad crush on President Obama are patently false.

In a statement she recently gave at the local Chapter of Single Christians with Spouses, Brewer claims that television psychologist Dr. Phil has her all wrong. She was referring to Dr. Phil’s take on why Brewer refused to attend the dinner being given for the nation’s governors on Sunday.

“Well I’ll be hornswaggled,” said Phil to a television reporter hoping to gain some insight into some of Brewer’s bizarre behavior in recent months toward the President. “She [Brewer] is sweet as honey on the suckle for the President,” he said, stopping just short of declaring that Jan Brewer has the hots for the President.

Asked why Phil would make such a statement when clearly Brewer has shown nothing but animosity at each of her meetings with the President.

“I’m no expert,” he said, “wait, oh yea I kinda am."

"Here’s what’s going on. You remember grade school right?” he asked. “Remember the story about Timmy dipping Peggy’s pigtails in the ink well and turns out he was doing it cause he was sweet on Peggy?”

“Well,” said Dr. Phil, “when I saw Governor Brewer in that picture with her face all up in President Obama’s and her finger wagging in his face, that right there was testament to an unrequited desire to take the man right then and there.”

Asked then why Governor Brewer would miss tonight’s opportunity to be in the presence of the President, Dr. Phil answered “Aw shucks, that’s an easy one,” he said. “She likely can’t stand the thought of Barack Obama being with another woman, i.e. his wife, and I think it would drive Ms. Brewer up the proverbial wall to see them together all lovey-dovey.”

Again, Jan Brewer had no comment, other than to call Dr. Phil a big fat liar, liar pants on fire.

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