my take on a few of the presidential hopefuls vying for top of the Dem ticket (keeping
in mind I will go to the grave regretting Bernie didn't get the nomination in
say Elizabeth Warren would have a problem winning against Trump. I agree. She
is a fighter, no doubt, feisty? You bet. But she sometimes doesn't know how to
choose her fights, and when she does get to fighting about something, she
almost always does it in a very indignant way, fists clenched either at her
side or raised to the heavens as if to say "there will be holy hell to pay
if you don't do things my way. So, in that respect, I think she would be able
to hold her ground, not fall into a weeping mess whenever Trump decides to
deride her some more. And while I'd love for her to be my liberal go to for
good old fashioned Republican bashings, I see her maybe lasting to the
primaries, but she would not get the nomination.
for Biden, he is slick, I hand that to him. He is pulling off the kind
grandfather role perfectly and comes across as honest as the day is long. And
boy can he rock a pair of RayBans. Am I right? I truly like the guy and, under normal
circumstances, might even be willing to give him a shot at President. However,
that said, he is still hurting from his son's death, which gives Trump the
upper hand with snide remarks, put downs, nasty nicknames, and generally
bullying this nice man who could run circles around Trump in the humanity
department. Those remarks at some point would be too much for Biden I think.
Now if we could shorten the primary process to say a day or two with a week of
back-to-back political ads to go on so that Trump would have less airtime to
bash everyone, then Biden might survive that week. So Biden, for me, is a
wait-and-see, maybe.
Nice kid. Honestly, he is 1 year younger than my son, so yeah to me, he's a
kid. Soooooo freaking nice too. I mean, out of all the candidates I watched who
were running for office, Beto was one of my absolute favorites, and I was so
unhappy he lost the election. Now, his political opponents sometimes make a
deal out of his nickname "Beto." He is 4th generation Texan with an
Irish heritage. He was born, and grew up, in El Paso so basically, the Mexicans
there, because he was 4th generation, probably kind of grandfathered him into
the Hispanic community. That is a huge plus seeing as the entire country is so
polarized over the whole immigration issue which, by the way, is nowhere near
getting resolved but only getting worse by the minute. But I digress. Beto,
nice kid. Might even be best one to look Trump in the eyes as he (Beto) is
6'4". A lot could get done just with the staring contests the two could
have at debates. Not a word spoken, just stare until one of them cracks. My bet
to win is on Beto. But I digress anew.
Beto was chosen to run on the Democrat ticket, then I would vote for him, but
I'm not making any promises until I see who else is running and watch the
million debates that will no doubt be scheduled right after Beto, Biden,
Bernie, Liz, Kamala, Cory, Kirsten, Julian (Castro), Sherrod, Dasher, Dancer,
Grumpy, Doc, Groot, and a Putin plant, among others, announce they are
officially running for President.
brings me to Bernie. As said before, Bernie has always been the one who stole
my political heart. The newcomers such as Kamala Harris, Cory Booker, and Beto,
to name a few, are the 1.0 version of Bernie, meaning they are still pretty
green. Oh the fight in those young upstarts is impressive as hell. They know
what would be good for this country along the very same lines as Bernie. In
fact, I'd venture to guess they took a lot of their stuff already from the
Bernie playbook. In addition, each one of them brings a freshness to the
Democratic party.
that said, it was Bernie who brought them out of the shadows and into the
lightness of being *politics with a human touch*. From the time Bernie started
agitating the masses during his college years to the present moment, that man
has never, ever wavered in his message to us, the American people. Bernie
didn't ask for huge corporate "gifts" to his campaign as he very well
could have due to that insane ruling in Citizens United. Instead, he asked for
less than $30 a person to fund his campaign. And it worked. In fact, he still
has money in the till to "prime" another campaign for 2020. The
message coming from Bernie has always been, more jobs, better-paying jobs,
freedom of a woman to choose, education, education, education, healthcare for
all and no tax cuts for the rich. Not such a bad message, eh? And as for his
ability to stand up to Trump, well, he took a licking from the Dems (I still
think they did him dirty), and he kept on ticking. He is largely to thank for
all the newbie politicians all over the United States who flipped the House.
For all the women who decided it was time to stop playing second fiddle and go
for the brass ring. Thank you Bernie. One of his main messages was don't sit
there and complain, get involved in every level of government, from city
commissioner to mayors and governors. He knows the way to keep a strong,
healthy base in place is to start from the ground up. Grassroots all the way,
baby. And if I may, I will finish by asking this question "When was the
last time you saw a bird land on a podium directly in front of a man (let alone
a politician) delivering a message of hope and love?"
in conclusion, here is my best estimate of what should happen in 2020:
a Triumvirate of Biden, Sanders and O'Rourke and that way I won't have to
choose between the three. But we are doing ok with two, you say. Nay, that is
called a duumvirate (go ahead look it up), and that just sounds dumb.
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